November 30, 2022
GTZ-IL Dashboard Update & Relaunch!
Getting to Zero Illinois (GTZ-IL) is eager to announce the relaunch of the project’s GTZ-IL dashboard. The update to the dashboard includes an increase in accessibility to data and information for priority populations, which historically has only been available via request from the health department. Overall, HIV rates are declining; however, HIV is not declining equally amongst various populations, more specifically in the Black and Latine, gay, bisexual and MSM (Men who have Sex with Men) populations. With the updated dashboard, it will now be easier than ever. The ease of access to this important data is key to improving outcomes and is a crucial step in the effort to democratize information.
The GTZ-IL dashboard is a customizable data tool that will allow us to measure our progress to get to zero new HIV cases in Illinois by 2030. Combining and displaying publicly available data from the Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) and Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH), the dashboard allows partners, providers, advocates, and others to find specific graphs on topics such as PrEP coverage, awareness of HIV status, new HIV diagnoses, linkage to care and viral suppression.
The GTZ-IL dashboard helps Illinoisans understand the more complex picture of the HIV epidemic in our state by letting the user zoom in on factors like race/ethnicity, gender and more. This helps us understand how different social and institutional factors can impact the way different communities experience HIV and help the health care community respond with greater intentionality. The data in this dashboard is organized into three different sections: progress measures, health measures, and social determinants of health. The new interactive graphs will also display progress towards key GTZ-IL goals and strategies by 2023 and 2030, which are aligned with the national Ending the HIV Epidemic (EHE) goals. Finally, the new dashboard will now also include previously unavailable sexually transmitted infection (STI) data.
The dashboard was designed by Northwestern University in collaboration with AIDS Foundation Chicago (AFC), the Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH), and the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH). Funding for the dashboard was provided by AIDS Foundation Chicago, made possible in part by a grant from the CDPH.
We are excited that our relaunch coincides with World AIDS Day (December 1st) and welcome you all to explore the new dashboard, explore its updated features and take the power of this information into your own hands as we all unite to help get to zero.
Visit the GTZ-IL Dashboard Here: GTZ Dashboard (gtzillinois.hiv)