HIV In Illinois & Chicago
HIV In Illinois & Chicago
HIV data in Illinois in Chicago shows progress in our fight to end the epidemic, but it also shows major racial inequities that must be addressed in order to get to zero. Read strategies to confront structural racism and inequity in the Getting to Zero Plan 2.0 | Llegando a Cero Plan 2.0 en espaƱol.
In 2022:
- an estimated 41,500 people were living with HIV in Illinois and 21,500 in Chicago
- 627 people were diagnosed with HIV in Chicago and 1,306 in Illinois in 2022
- New HIV diagnoses dropped 18% in Illinois and 35% in Chicago between 2013-2022
- 50% of Chicagoans diagnosed with HIV are Black, while just 28% of Chicagoans are Black
- 18% of Illinoisans are Latinx, but 21% of people diagnosed with HIV are Latinx
For more HIV data, visit the Getting to Zero Illinois Data Dashboard.